





$WINDOWS is an intriguing token built on the Basechain blockchain. Operating within the decentralized realm, $WINDOWS offers users a platform for anonymous and unregulated transactions, allowing the exchange of goods and services outside the confines of traditional legal frameworks. With its emphasis on privacy and freedom, $WINDOWS fosters a community where individuals can engage in peer-to-peer transactions with discretion and minimal intervention. While it sparks debates regarding ethics and legality, $WINDOWS presents an alternative space for those seeking to navigate the uncharted waters of the digital marketplace.

Token information


Token Information

Windows has a total supply of 100,000,000,000. Windows is a 0% tax token.

Contract address


Contract Address

Windows has not yet launched. The contract address will be made available on the day of launch. Please make sure you join our official telegram group as the contract address will be made available there first. Dont fall victim to scammers. Please note admin will not DM you first. Stay safe.